Building Safer Communities


This is an action word, not a passive one. It takes people putting their skills into play to create something that was not previously present. Something better than before.


Every person, in every neighborhood, has the desire to feel safe and be safe. It can continually be improved upon. With our city’s national recognition of gun violence, murders, and concentrated poverty, the idea of safety is on everyone’s mind.


This word is collaborative. Communities are made up of more than just one person. People share community identity for many reasons. This can be realized for a variety of reasons: proximity, interest, life stage, and many others.

What does this mean?

By recruiting volunteers from the neighborhoods to come alongside the school site’s staff, we are building a team of guardians to look after the safety of the students in each region as they travel to and from school.

How does this play out?

We supply the crossing guard training and safety gear as it relates to crosswalks, school parking lots, and vehicle traffic for both pedestrians and cyclists.

Who does this include?

People who work at or live near each elementary school site are the focus of our program. With a neighborhood school, it’s natural to desire the best for the location with which you work/live. By engaging people at every life stage, we believe our program will be most effective.

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